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Boston - a city of... beginnings

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Boston - a city of... beginnings Empty Boston - a city of... beginnings

Post by FinnFreak Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:03 am

Tomorrow, on the 20th, is the 51st anniversary of my father running the Boston Marathon & finishing 6th.

Nothing would please me more than knowing, that the individuals attacking this glorious event be captured.

And pay for their wrongs.

I wish you bombers... hell.


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Boston - a city of... beginnings Empty Re: Boston - a city of... beginnings

Post by faithfully Mon Mar 03, 2014 10:29 am

He finished 6th?  Cool 

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Boston - a city of... beginnings Empty Re: Boston - a city of... beginnings

Post by FinnFreak Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:42 am

Yep - and imagine: it's the only Marathon he ever ran, with the time of 2:32:26..!

...1st & 2nd places went to Finns as well...

John - Wink

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Boston - a city of... beginnings Empty Re: Boston - a city of... beginnings

Post by faithfully Mon Dec 26, 2016 9:45 am

Are you not going to try marathons?

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Age : 46

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Boston - a city of... beginnings Empty Re: Boston - a city of... beginnings

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